The Poetry and Prose of John Omniadeo

The Poetry and Prose of John Omniadeo

Friday, March 25, 2011


experience, this consort that you gave me
suckles me just like a tender mum
her bitten nipples swell without complaint
what child would freeze a mother with her warmth?

experience, this consort that you gave me
nitpicks and rages like an angry hag
what fool would argue with a hurricane
or punch the onslaught of the tidal wave?

experience, this consort that you gave me
dances here so naked and alone
who would dare rid her of a single mole
or pin a flower on anyone so beautiful?

experience, this consort that you gave me
is nothing but a rainbow monster lover
my teacher's insight bends me at the knees
joyous the mind who loves to fuck with her

love to all experiencers,

- john o.